Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014

Materi Bahasa Inggris (E-Learning)

Nama    : Mahsadini Putri Rahmagusti
No.reg  : 5235134408
Kelas    : Kamis jam ke-2 

1.1              Asking for Repitition 
A.    Speech Act
·        I beg your pardon?
·        Pardon me?
·         I’m sorry.  I didn’t hear you.
·         Would you mind saying that again?
·         Could you repeat once again?
·         Could you repeat once again,
·         I’m sorry I can’t catch what you
·         I’m sorry. I can’t hear you.
·         Would you mind repeating that?
·         Pardon ?
·         Sorry ?
·         What did you say?
·         Sorry, what did you say ?
·            I'm sorry, I couldn't understand you...
·           I'm sorry, I didn't get that...
·           I'm sorry, I didn't catch that....
·            What did you say?
·           What's that again?
·           Say that again?
·           What?
·                     Huh?

B.     Example of Asking for Repitatiton
Mr. Budi and his family are having holiday now. His children Osha and Fara are very happy. They are at the Sawunggalih hotel now.

Receptionist          : What can I do for you, Sir?
Mr. Budi               : I’d like to book two rooms.
Receptionist          : Your name please?
Mr. Budi               : Budi Susanto
Receptionist          : I beg your pardon, please ?
Mr. Budi               : Budi Susanto
Receptionist          : Your address?
Mr. Budi               : Jl. RA Kartini no. 15 Bekasi
Receptionist          : Okay, you get rooms 4 and 5
Mr. Budi               : Thank you

C.    Listen to The Tape About The Missing Expressions !
1.      Awan : You look very happy, Dinda. What happened ?
Dinda  : Guess what! I got an A on my English test.
Awan  : Sorry ? ____________. It’s very noise here. I can hardly hear you.
Dinda  : I said, “I got an A on my English test”.
Awan  : Really ? ______________.

2.      Rina : Hello Dewi. Look at my new purse. I made it by myself.
Dewi : Hello, Rina. Hey, that's nice. Isn't that your old purse? The one that we
            bought one year ago?
Rina : Yeah, that's right.
Dewi : How did you do that?
Rina : Sorry, _____________?
Dewi : How did you do that, Rina?
Rina : Oh, well, first, I just added some colorful buttons. Then, four-five
            glittery beads. Finally, I gave my magic finishing touch, he.. he..

1.2              Giving Attention
A.    Speech Act
·       I feel sorry for you.
·       Congratulations, you worth it!
·       I do care to you.
·       May I help you ?
·       Oh, I’m Sorry. Are you okay ?
·       Tell me more about it.

B.     Example of Giving Attention.
1.      Vira     : I’ve got good news!
Sarah   : Tell me more about it!
Vira     : Next holiday we will go to Malaysia !
Sarah   : Wow, fantastic !

2.      Nana    : You know, my new boy-friend is very talkactive. I don’t like him
   very much.
                        Rian     : Why ?
                        Nana    : Terrible. He just talk big! He likes telling about himself and his own
                        Rian     : Oh really ?
                        Nana    : Yeah, he told about himself everytime.

C.    Listen to The Tape About The Missing Expressions !
Tara           : You know, Farah was very happy last morning!
Natasha     : Was she ?
Tara           : Yes, she was. Do you know why ?
Natasha     : Please, __________. ____________________.
Tara           : She had just won a lotre in Trans Magazine.
Natasha     : Good for her!
Tara           : Yeah. And do you know the prize ?
Natasha     : ____________?
Tara           : It was a toyota car and 50 million rupiah!
Natasha     : Wow. That’s Incredible!

1.3              Expressing of Admiration
A.    Speech Act
·      What a beautiful scenery!
·      How beautiful she is!
·      What an honest girl!

B.     Example of Expressing of Admiration
1.      Mother                        : Okay kids, meal is ready. Would you like some ?
Greg                : Wow, looks delicious! May I have that soup for me now,
                          Mom ?
Mother                        : Sure dear.

2.      Chris                : Wow, you are so amazing. I’ve never heard any singer
  perform that song so beautifully.
                        Lucy                : Thank you. It’s really nice to hear that from someone with
                                                  your experience.

C.    Complete The Dialogue !
Andre        : Something different with you, Jane.
Jane           : Do you mean my hair, right ? Of course. I had a haircut yesterday.  
                    What do you think ?
Andre        : ______________! Even you look younger.
Jane           : Thank you. You know what ? I tried the newest barber shop near my
                     house. And it’s only Rp.10.000,- for the first week opening.
Andre        : ________! I must go there soon.
Jane           : Better you go there after 7 pm.
Andre        : But why ?
Jane           : In order not to have a long queue. Yesterday I found more than 15
                    People waiting there for.
Andre        : Really ?_______!

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